Our History
The Get Ahead House began its road to helping our youth in 1995. The Get Ahead House focuses on helping youth develop socially and academically by providing afterschool activities to address those needs. The Get Ahead Program began to expand and service the Jasper County communities. In addition to the youth, The Get Ahead House also sponsors activities which incorporates the family unit as well. The Get Ahead House serves 100 children. Our motto is “It is cheaper to educate than to Incarcerate”. The Get Ahead House has a proven track record of success that includes securing funding from multiple agencies over the past years.
Monticello is a city located in Jasper County Georgia. Monticello has a 2023 population of 2,953. It is also the county seat of Jasper County. Monticello is currently growing at a rate of 3.54% annually and its population has increased by 15.85% since the most recent census. Population: White – 46.01%, Black – 43.96, Other – 10.03%. The overall poverty rate in Monticello is 17.32%.
Under the inspiration of the Chief of Police Dan Norris, the Get Ahead House was developed initially as the response to the ‘high’ crime rate in Sanders Heights Housing Authority in the City of Monticello.
The Get Ahead House has grown from a small afterschool tutoring program serving a few children to a fully developed community center that operates year-round. Its programming includes academic support(tutoring, college counseling and scholarship assistance) community service, cultural enrichment, parental engagements, sports activities, a teen center, and workforce development.
The Get Ahead House provides bus pick up transportation – by picking up those students who are designated bus riders at their home school and transported to the Get Ahead House. By providing transportation for our children, it alleviates any economic costs that may be of a burden to the parents and/or guardian. Transportation also ensures the children will be present and can engage in the services provided by the Get Ahead House.
Our goal is to increase the program so that it can be offered five (5) days per week year-round and add practical experiences as a component to the program. The practical experiences would include trips to venues to introduce the children to multiple life-skills and possible career paths. For our academic support program, we currently are limited in resources for programming, equipment, and staff. Our goal is to add an up to date and innovative technology component to our academic support along with the educational software and staff. This will allow us to increase the number of children our program can serve. There will also be an opportunity to teach parents and guardians how to utilize technology so that they can further assist the child at home with their “homework” and learning.
The Get Ahead House focuses on helping youth develop socially and academically by providing after-school activities to address those needs. The Get Ahead House also incorporates activities which include the family unit. The Get Ahead House has a proven track record of success that includes securing funding from multiple agencies over the past years.
The first facility used for The Get Ahead House was at 33 Sanders Heights, a one-bedroom unit that quickly grew too small for the 30 students that were enrolled. It is with the help of our many partners that it has grown to a modern facility that can accommodate 100 students.

In 2003 the Get Ahead procured Grants and land donation, enabling them to build and open its new facility. A 4000 square facility located on 3 acres at 731 Funderburg Dr, Monticello, GA 31064. The Get Ahead House provides a safe nurturing environment, students are picked up after school and delivered safely to the Center. After-school snacks are provided. We work with the Board of Education to tailor our homework assistance to their curriculum.
All of this at no cost to the family.
The Get Ahead House provides advancement and achievement to all youth. Our birth may have been in the sables of the community, but our influence has provided the community with many successes. Sometimes the negative narrative that surrounds good work clouds the ability to get the good known.